

Today is the very last day of 2009.

suddenly I realized that nothing will lasts forever. first of all I remembered about my parents; they won't live forever. and I am NOT their greatest child. not even close....... and I'm sorry mom, dad. I'll try my best to make you both happy :) kiss kiss

2009 is such a great-rollercoaster ride for me. 
got plenty of new friends, also plenty of troubles. 


I celebrate my birthday with no one on January.
Valentine's on February, still single... til that day.
P-a-r-t-y! on March.
APRIL FOOL. went to Dufan with some friends.
I've had a bad relationship with May. idk why. but it was my mom's burfday.
Anyer, baby! on June, fun fun fun.
July's my favorite. loooong holly-day! I choose Manado as my vacation.
August was my daddddy's day, happy birthday dad:)
September. hhmm what can i say?♥♥ 14!
Another party blast on October. coolism.
November..... ???? nothing's special. too ordinary.
And now, I'm sitting here and gonna go celebrate new years. Here. Now. Writing a blog. on December. :)



RePost from Allegra: Abortion

Month One. 

Hi Mommy!
I am only 3/4 of an inch long,
But I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
Every time I hear it,
I wave my arms and legs.
The sound of your heart beat
Is my favorite lullaby.

Month Two. 

Today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me
You could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I’m not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.

Month Three.

You know what Mommy,
I’m a girl!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don’t like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too,
And I cry with you even though
You can’t hear me.

Month Four. 

My hair is starting to grow.
It is very short and fine
But I will have a lot of it.
I spend a lot of my time exercising.
I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes
And stretch my arms and legs.
I am becoming quite good at it too.

Month Five. 

You went to the doctor today.
Mommy, he lied to you.
He said that I’m not a baby.
I am a baby, Mommy, your baby.
I think and feel.
Mommy, what’s abortion?

Month Six. 

I can hear that doctor again.
I don’t like him.
He seems cold and heartless.
Something is intruding my home.
The doctor called it a needle.
Mommy what is it? It burns!
Please make him stop!
I can’t get away from it!
Mommy! Help me!

Month Seven. 

I am okay.
I am in Allah’s arms.
He is holding me.
He told me about abortion.
Why didn’t you want me, Mommy?

Every abortion is just… 

One more heart that was stopped. 
Two more eyes that will never see. 
Two more hands that will never touch. 
Two more legs that will never run. 
One more mouth that will never speak. 


Good evening suckers.
I'm sooooo bored so I decided to post something new. bahhaha. I just got back from Singapore, w/ my mom, my aunty, my mom's friend, and Jeremy. just call him Amy. I posted something about him and my trip 2 Bandung, click click! he's such a fun&nice guy.
&&&&&& so, I've spent 4 days and 3 nights at Singapore. Sadly my dad couldn't come :( I'm missing him all day long hahahaha. 
how can I not love him? 

pk bahasa indonesia aja ye. kan cinta tanah air (pdhl karna males mikir). ok jadi tgl 21 desember itu gw ke Singapurrrrrr. udh males bgt tu cuman bertiga doang sm mama&tante nia. pasti pd belanja moeloe gw bengong aja kaya org bengong(?) tapi untung aja tante jessy sm amy nyusul. 4 HARI DISANA BENER2 BELANJA DOANG OY!!! bosen bgt beneran... kalo ada bokap bisa jalan2 kmana kek yg seru gitu. ini gk keluar dari daerah Orchard demi Allah paling jauh jg naek taksi ke eprot! sebel gw. ini pertama kalinya gw ke singapur tanpa naik MRT... pdhl kan seru tutut gujes gujes. haha and I bought lots, lots, loooots of chocolates. yummmy.

tante Nia, Amy, gw, enyak gw, tante Jessy

suatu hari di toilet hotel holiday inn @Singapur, Rani sedang asik mengaca. lalu ia melihat sebuah timbangan keren (karna ky mekanik gtuu jd naik dulu br dikasitau beratnya pk nomer. tdnya gua kira timbangan rusak g ada nomer2nya). lalu dgn senang hati ia mencoba untuk mengukur berat badannya. mari kita tunggu.
dgn tenang saya menunggu..
berat gua skrg 54! HAHAHAHA ~_~ NOT GOOD! ┌Π┐┌Π┐┌Π┐

oh iya td I found something. A BOX>> isinya ada barang2 gw jaman dulu kala. ada foto gw sama Breandy anjing gw dulu. tp gw nya astopirulohalajim masaoloh maisaroh jelek bgt ahahah. ada juga tabungan gw tp seribuan dan uang indonesia pas jaman dulu gt. 

ini poto gua wkt msh imut. eh sampe skrg sih :p 
BILANG IYAAA!! iyaaaaaa

gila gila itu foto jaman kapan cobaaaaa? hahahahha gw nya masih ky gitu.. :') bapaaakkk i love you! 

oh ya I bought new pair of shoes. Vans shoes. loved ittttt. thxxx momm. and dad;)! I also bought a new camera. not the very expensive ones but thats okay I still loved it too! thanks again mom and dad. and hmmm I actually bought a silicon for my chromatic iPod, but sadly I was wrong*_* it didn't fits perfectly for my iPod because it was the old one. BUT I bought silicon for the new one (that has camera) uuuhh poor me.............

got nothing else to say baahhahahah this is such a long post.
(potonye sok mecing pake ada salju2nya...HEHEHEHE dan muke gw kaya setan. itu foto lama dan mls poto lg-_-)



if i'm missing you right now, would u be here?

btw get well really soon, love. u knw i miss u.


Mid Test

ok, back to this gay situation called mid test. never loved it that much, i wish it'll ends quickly. so, this is the second day of mid test. today i've had Bahasa Indonesia and Pkn. well, tomorrow's not a really good day i think BCOS THERE'S BIOLOGY! for god's sake i never listened to pak agus while he's talking because its just... i dont know. its hard to understand. he's like talking to himself. and he looks like cockroach. I MEAN IT. cockroach! but tomorrow's also English...... its a relief. i'm not that bad at english. but hows BIOLOGYYYYYY HUHUH
and maybe i'll just keep on reading this fckin biology book. hey imma workin my ass off!


Octobra Starship

so, last night was aaaaawwwwessomme.
I went to AlyaThayaDaffaRakaSheilaanandaraIren's birthday party at The Green, Kemang. The party called Octobra Starship, and it was a blast! at about 5pm, me, Risha&Neisha went to the saloon. Then Latisha joined us, and we're soooo ready to partaaayy! When we arrived at The Green, we gave our invitations. And my girls were so fckn beautiful that night. Also the boys, they're really goodlooking. The party started when the band POC(Plagues Of Conversion)+Witsqa bringin Toxic song(A Static Lullaby version, Britney Spears cover). POC also performed This War Is Ours, The Flood, Casanova Rodeo, Higinia, and THE CIRCUS SONG <-- this is hilarious. Latisha, Witsqa, and Risha also singin Two Is Better Than One by BLG&Taylor swift. And there was also Nabil,Sheila N, Bisma, Taffy, and Irfi performed Are You Really The One by Ecoutez! and Dia by Maliq. Oh, and Narendra also performed Jamie Cullum's song.
And then there was Danes and Eugene who told us who's the best dress for that night! It was Kayla and Nabil. For the best couple, it was Alya and Arvy. The 2nd was me and Augie hahahhah. And the 3rd was Kayla and Dhika.
the hottest couple: Witsqa-Rildi??????? LOL

aahh i just cant wait for the photos!


They asked.

"Hugs are to pull two people closer together. 
But why is it that you can never see the other person's expression when it happens?"

oh God, I miss school

hello again. its been a while right? i edited things on my blogggg. hope u like it

but i'm kinda sick right now uhuhuhuhuhuuuuuu my asma kambuh. berrraatt. sesek napas is not a good thing -.- this holiday i'm not goin' anywhere except Bandung. i'll go to bandung next week and i'm kinda excited.
i've been single for a while and that was cool! but hummmhh i'm now in a relationship again. and... i love him hihihi ok stop it.
WHAT SHUD I DO NOW arrrgh i'm so bored. this whole sesaknapas thingy makes me krrrazy. OH and btw i'm loving Pitbull's songs! its damn good. and The Devil Wears Prada songs are GOOOORRRGEEOUSSS :):) i loved it. maybe i'll put those on my blog later.

current picture


Oops..... wrong number

Stranger: sergio is that you?
You: yes
You: are you isabella?
Stranger: FUCK YOU
Stranger: SO WHO IS SHE?



Chuck: I was a coward running away again. But everywhere I went, you caught up with me. So I had to come back.
Blair: I want to believe you, but I can't. You've hurt me too many times.
Chuck: Then believe me this time.
Blair: That's it?
Chuck: [pauses] I love you, too. (they kiss)
Blair: Can you say it twice? (laughs) No, I'm serious, say it twice.
Chuck: I love you, I love you, I love you. (kissing)

I'm in love with Chuck!!!!!!!!! Or, Ed Westwick I could say. What a charming, sexy guy he was!!! hahahaa. I love Chuck&Blair together! Blair, or Leighton is sooooo pretty. bout Nate and Vanessa.... I don't really know, they're boring. Vanessa's such a lame-ass.  BUT IN REAL LIFE, SHE WAS DATING ED!!! her real name is Jessica Sczhor (sorry for the wrong spelling). I mean, Jessica is not that pretty, Leighton's much prettier. Serena&Dan... hummm ended. 
I'm loving Gossip Girl, can't wait for the third season! That must be sexy.


I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm surrounded by angels, but I call them my best friends.

First of all, this is Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Kemang. I've been here since I was kindergarten until 6th grader. So I spent my 8 years in this school, and I miss my old friends!!! so here are the old photos I would like to share.

Tinah, me, and Tikka - Make a wish? its so alay wkwkwkwk its on Tikka's house and it was also her birthday.
Tikka, a bit of Aliya, and me - My Chemical Romance in concert. where's Tinah ya?
Aliya, Tinah, Me, and Tikka - Good Charlotte live in concert!
Tikka, Aliya, Me, Dinda, and Tinah - what should I say? its 5C i think.
Gaby, Me, Tinah, Aliya - Jawa style... alay season.
Tinah, me, Aliya, Andra, Gaby - WHAT GRADE IS THIS? I forgot. :)
Me, Aliya, Tikka, and Tinah - Class, free time baby!
Atthira, Me, Tinah, Tikka - masjid, ini lagi pd gak solat smua, pdhl yg lain di depan lg solat. I REALLY MISS THIS I MEAN IT.
Marvel, Tinah, Manda, Rayhan, Atthira, Me, Aliya, Tikka, and Nobel - Dufan!!!

And another one.

Tikka, Aliya, Zahra, and me - at school, mau motong hewan qurban.
Tinah, Tikka, and me - In front of class, my weird hair, and I still remember how much Tinah loves Tikka ;)
Gaby, Zahra, Nabila, Tinah, Nimas, Me, Aliya, Tikka, Salma, Manda, Hasya - at Yusuf's birthday

Zahra, Manda, Tikka, Me, and Aliya - Break time, at our class.
Tinah, Me, a half of Tikka - Pondok Indah Mall.

Tinah, Me, Aliya, Tikka - Riding a bajaj.

Me, Tikka, Manda, Dinda -Train, on the way to Lembang

upper: Tinah, me, Tikka, Nabila, Tsarah, Manda, Hasya, Dinda, Bu Atik, Nadira, Zahra, Gaby, Aliya, Salma, Nimas
lower: Abang, Rio, Igar, Andra, Adam, Faisal, Helmi, Yusuf, Dio.



My friendship is true, you know that it is. I got your back and you got mine, I'll help you out anytime. When you hurt, when you cry, makes me weep and wanna die. All I have to say is that you guys are my best friends and that we will always be together, forever and more..
I love you guys. xoxo


Sulawesi Utara, what a place! :)


i just got back from Manado dan gua ngomongnya pake bahasa indonesia aja ya biar gampang kawan (pdhl udh sok2 mau bahasa inggris tdnya). tp sebelom itu gua lg mau marah marah nih sm teroris!!!!! omg omg omg mereka is what the hell what the fuck. itu kurang kerjaan bgt gak sih pake ngebom mega kuningan segala. knp gak ngebom rumah adit aja kan deket, canda. ahhh tp kesel bgt sampe2 MU gak jadi dtg ke jakartaaaaaaaaaaa (wkwkw pdhl gak nonton gtu gw). tapi tetep aja kesel. kan ngerusak indonesia bgt dimata dunia. udah gtuuu bom bunuh diri lg. kan jd ga bs dihukum pengecut ah!!! gua dgr gtu beritanya dari tv hotel di manado wakakakka shock abis berat gila2an (gk gt juga sih) pokoknya kaget udh gtu beritanya yg lebay2 gtu kan di rcti kalo gak salah lagi acara siapa lebih berani terus tiap 5 menit gtu kayaknya ada breaking news udah beritanya sama, mukenye juga sm aja, dan iiihh penting bgt gue nyeritain ginian. intinya gw kesel sm org2 gak bertanggung jawab itu...jgn ledakkan dirikuu...(sambil berkaca2)

terruuuss, Manado seru! bentar2 gw nonton harpot sebentar doang. nah lagi iklan skrg wkwkwkw nntn di trans tv gw harpot 3. terus skrg lagi iklan mama loren sms2 gak jelas. ok lanjut ke cerita deh ya, gw ke manado dari tanggal 15 juli 2009 kmaren. pas mendarat di bandara yg gua lupa namanya itu enak abis udaranya dingin2 gtu terus pemandangannya gunung2 keren gt deh apalagi sore2 jam 6an gw mendaratnya. terus udah ke hotel aston, abis itu gua sm bokap cari2 makanan dan kenalan sama supir taksi manado yg super duper bawel tapi baik abis. namanya Frans. kita muter2 deh malem itu, nyokap nunggu di hotel soalnya rada gak sehat. terus udh kan abis makan gua sm bokap balik ke hotel, terus besoknyaaaa gua ke Bunaken!!! pake speedboat gtu dari manado ke bunaken nya. seru deh speedboatnya cool gt jd ada kacanya terus kita bisa liat pemandangan laut di bwh laut (??) ya pokoknya terumbu2 karang sm ikan2 lucu gituu. habis itu kita sampe di bunaken, terus makan ikan bakar, enak bgt lohhhhhh!!ikan nya bukan ikan biasa gtu ini ikan warna ijo2 terus warna merah2 sm item2. hahahah. trs udah kenyang, kita agak ke tengah laut lg, terus snorkling! trs gw ngasih makan ikan2 pake biskuat gt...ah seru deh. terus bokap gua ribet bgt kayak ga seimbang gt lah gr2 sepatu kodoknya wakakkaka nyokap ngetawain. trus ada juga yg muke gw kena sepatu dia-_- aneh emg ahahha btw bokap gue miriiip sm mr. bean! makanya gw suka mr.Bean. teruss udh capek kan balik deh ke hotel, trs mandi2 tdr2an macem2, abis itu malemnya br kita makan di Dabu-dabu. enak men. trs bsk paginya nyokap balik duluan ke jakarta soalnya mau beli seragam gw dan gtau deh sprtinya kurang berhasil. abis ituu pagi itulah gw mendengar kabar bahwa hotel ritz carlton sm marriott dibom. ih alay emg teroris. lgsg deh di koran dmn2 kabarnya ituuuu mulu. nah trs siangnya gw sama bokap berangkat naik taksi yg sudah menjadi teman baik karna dia super crewet, mari panggil dia Mr.Frans. dia nganter kita kemana2 dgn harga nego, bukan argo. pertama dia nganter kita ke bukit kasih. jauh juga dari hotel, naik2 pegunungan gtu. tapi pemandangannya top abis. ntar foto2nya ya,mls masukinn. terus dari bukit kasih kita berangkat lagi ke danau Tondano,trus makan di restoran itu. jaraknya dari bukit kasih itu juga jauh bgttt gw sampe mual2 ditaksi o.o trus disitu makanannya enak bgttt dan pemandangannya wawww abiss dan udik bgt sih gue.oiya dstu banyak bule lohhhh lumayan2. trs kita makan gt kan makannya kyk di balkon gtu bawahnya lgsg danau. terus abis dr situ kita mau dianter ngeliat monyet terkecil didunia, namanya Tarsius. search google deh lucu bgt!!!kita ke tempat penangkarannya gtu, ga tau didaerah apa yg jelas jauh jauh jauh. dstu gw liat si monyet Tarsius, trs dia tuh ga bs dipegang pk tangan soalnya bakal mati gtau knp, dan dia hidup berdua2, jd kalo satu tarsius mati, pasangannya jg bakal mati. ini gua kayak ngajar ipa. lanjut, gw juga liat anoa, babirusa, burung elang, burung kakatua, uler, buaya, dll gt deh seru. abis itu gw pipis. selesai pipis gw nunggu bokap gw boker. nah abis itu AKHIRNYA kita menuju ke hotel, udah lmyn malem tuh jam 9an kyknya. gtau juga sih gw yg jelas gelap. terruuss udh capek bgttt guee hahaha bsknya cuman jalan2 biasa beli oleh2, terus jam 6.20 berangkat ke jakarta deh. dannnnn masuk skolah tgl 22 omegot sklh again?! tp gpp seru. hehehe udh ah ngantuk bgt guaa,mau tdr ah...byebye smg gw gak mimpiin bom ya~.~


I woke up this morning and I turned into a dinosaur

hufff...morning! and dont mind bout the title btw. its ngasal.

i'm so happy today i'm feeling well! yippie. finally yah. this fever thingy makes me desperate (lebay) but seriously i hated it! day 1, i couldn't sleep at night, my body temperature is like a global warming, my face looked like a dead body(ini juga lebay), my head is soooooooo freakin dizzy, and so much more desperate things hahaha. but now i'm feeling so much better! God bless me :)

btw i saw utube yesterday, and i found a cute little girl named Connie Talbot. did u know her? if you didn't, i'll tell you. she's a singer. a very very good singer i could say! i really love the way she sings. she sings waaaaay so much better than me (i'm not surprised-,,-). i saw her singing I Will Always Love You, Over The Rainbow, & I Have A Dream. arrrhhhh you should see! hufffff she's still young...i mean it, young!!! younger than me!! i dont really know how old is she right now, but when she came to Britain's Got Talent audition, she was only 6 years old! ah i'm such a fan right now. click click!
she's so cute like me.

ohhhhhh and from Britain's Got Talent, i also found Susan Boyle! uhmm she's kinda old, but her voice was awwwwwwwwwesome! and i dont know why her face made me happy! hahaha LOL. ok then just check her out and see Simon's face! hahahaha.
i'm in love with her voice ;)

ahh im hungry. i need foods...


things i've got in mind!

hai!!! udh lama abis ya gk posting.habis males trs gktau mau crt apa hehe tp skrg mau crita macem2 nih.

1. hari senin 29 juli(eh gtau deng kpn kira2 tgl sgitu) 2009 i went to waterbom, with Latisha, Sella, Risha, Neisha, Adit, Dhia, Arvy, Augie, Bisma, dan Radit. serrrrruuuuu! pertama pagi2 jam 8an gt gw dibangunin mbak dan tb2 Latisha disamping gw. trs gw masih super ngaret krn ngantuk. trs ngbrl2, Latisha boker, trs gua juga boker dulu(ini penting kawan) trs tawa2 dulu dan sarapan. akhirnya kita brgkt ke rumah Dhia jam stgh 11. trs pokoknya ngbrl2 macem2 dirmh Dhia, nungguin Adit dtg. kita brgkt pake mbl Adit&Radit. trs udh smuanya siap, ke waterbom dehhhh. seru paruuhh main perosotan diulang2 trs, macem2 deh. sygnya kita gk foto sm skali-_- payah.... trs pulangnya hmpr gk ada mbl tuh!!!! cmn ada mobilnya Radit yaitu jazz dan gk kuat kl smuanya masuk pdhl udh muat tuh, gw sama Risha di bagasi, yg lain tumpuk2an. tp mblnya ga kuat kacian huhu akhirnya mblnya Bisma dateng deh,trs gw, Adit, Latisha, Augie, dan Bisma pulang ke rmh Dhia pake mblnya Bismawww! trs gw pacaran mulu...:P trs sampe rmh Dhia pada makan nasi goreng asmara. wenaa!

2. relationship status huhuheuheuhe i'm in a relationship again nih. since 23rd June. halo Adit kalo baca, me love u btw hihi :)

3. gua blm nyeritain Anyer!!! jadi yg akhirnya ke Anyer itu cuman gw, Thalia, Thaya, Sheila A, Trika, Dhia, Naufall, Eugene, Indra, sm Ifan. ketemuan di sklh jam 7pagi(dan pastinya gw teler). trssss seru deh kesana kita jd beach girls. trs actually gw tuh gk boleh berenang soalnya...masalah cewek itu. tp pas di pantai udh trlanjur basah jdnya skalian...hehehe. oiya cowo2 pd naik banana boat! trs kan abis dr pantai pada brenang di villa nya Naufall kan....nah.... trs...gw ikutan gtu deh......SEREM GK SIH?ntr tb2 ada itu gmn.......... tp akhirnya kita smua selamat krn gkpp. kalo gk ngerti ini berarti lupakan saja.huehue. trs pokoknya di Anyer gw ngakak mulu deh sm yg lain. malem2 kita pd main kartu gtu trs crita2 srem gk jlas. ohiya pas tgh malem kita surprise-in Naufall loh. cowo2 yg lain susah dibangunin!!!! except Dhia yg begadang bareng2 gw. tp serulah, foto2nya u can see @facebook. 

4. facebook is gettin boring... and lemot. u knw what my fb is so lemot aaaahhh i cant stand it. so i just open my utube, twitter, and myspace. oh and also blogger hihi :) btw, im so into myspace lately i dont know why........but still, why are people keep hangin on facebook?cmon guys. its boring. we cant meet bands/artists there,unlike myspace!!! GO MYSPACE!

5. i just got back from Bandung and it was so fun!!! but now, i'm kinda sick...hopefully i'll get better soon and can go to my next vacation, Bunaken Manado! i'll go there in july 15th. cant fuckin wait man.............. i'd like to go diving and meet some fishy :)

6. dont know what else i have in mind.

quotes of the day!
The shortest word in the world is 'I', the sweetest word in the world is 'love' and the only one for me is 'you.'


little updates


i'm so bored now huffff and lately, i'm wondering about someone i should've forget. but well, i cant. hahha ok lets talk bout another topic.
tomorrow i'll go to Anyer with 7A! yeay. it must be funnnnn. we'll stay at Naufall's villa.
and seriously i got nothing else to write.byee!


this is what I call quotation

"A break up is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken then hurt yourself trying to fix it."

just for additional: lets just buy a new mirror :p
oh and i'm wondering, why do i kept posting in english? i dont know. it was fun.
forget it.

by the way guysss i'm so excited bout the holiday and 8th graderrr!!
i knew it must be funnn:B hihi but surely i'll miss 7A -__- i'll miss you Ario. jk jk. but seriously i'm so curious bout 8th gradeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :)


random things about me...

i copied this from my dear black friend, Siti Hartinah Putri(BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA).

1) i often didnt care much bout my crush, but i do care bout my boyfriend

2) i prefer being stupid than being bitchy&popular

3) I LOVEEEEEEEE METALCORE MUSIC. they made me feel alive

4) i really had FUN with my friends. love them. theyre like clothes,without them i feel naked!

5) i always trying to be nice to everybody, except my arch enemies -.-

6) I HATE SAD SONGS. i know its so easy-listening, but i aint feel better when i'm sad and hearing sad songs.

7) i play guitars&piano. A BIT. hahaha

8) i cant sing. i can sing but i dont think that i'm good at it

9) i seldom watching tv, but i love playin playstation and my macbook is my lover

10) My Bloody Valentine 3D sucks. its too scary&violence to watch hahaha


12) i'm not easy to fallin in love. but when i love,i really mean it. (but for me it was easy to find a new crush hahaha thats a different thing)

13) i dont give a shit to haters! they sucks

14) Al-Izhar Pondok Labu is too cool for school and peoples in it are waaaaaaaaay too great. (except some teachers,but the teachers are great too!)
15) sometimes peoples around me makin me sick and makin my mood soooo down. and when i do, i usually lock my room and i'm crying out loud

16) i'm like.. always online. its fun to discover new things on the line AND we could meet our crush at messenger hahahahaha

17) i love my mom&dad like seriouslyyyyyy super duper

18) i have no fun without musics. i listen music everyday and i mean it, everyday.


20) boys are confusing. but who cares if he was too hot and too cool at the same time hahhaha

21) i wash my hair every single day

22) i'm such a selfish person. judge me by urself, i wouldnt be angry anyways

23) i hate vegetables except yg ada pedes2nya

24) watching a concert really really boosts my mood. i enjoyed it sooo much

25) my crush seems to not responding but i dont care lets just find another ahuahua
(it takes long time to fill those up huahua i'm confused what kind of things i should put)

I'm listening to: Black Rose Dying - Blessthefall
b-bye peeps!


what a big smile I put on my mouth :)

tomorrow's the last day of final exams yippie i'm so happy. freedom here i come!

not studying much today ahuahua even thou there's physics tomorrow. its just i'm too lazy to open science book, bcos when i do it i feel like eating a gross cockroach {drama queen...}. and btw i hate drama queen while i know i cud be a drama queen sumtimes.

i'm happy right now, and i want to say something:
Dear God, thanks for everything you gave me. it was all aw-e-so-me.
thank you so much, I've moved on.
thank you so much, I have my girls to share stories.
thank you so much, I got many 8 on my exams.
thank you so much, I got my mom and dad who loves me, and they promised we will go somewhere for the holiday! yeay!
thank you so much, I'm still alive and breathe in this world.
and i'm so sorry, I seldom pray Shubuh in the morning, i cant wake up that early -.- but i'll try.
I'm so sorry, I often made my mom sad and made my dad disappointed on me.
I'm so sorry, I often says rude things about random people whom I hate. (and who hates me, i think).
I'm so sorry, I often cheated on a test :P (not cheating btw, its teamwork haha)
I'm so sorry, if I still talking bad about someone behind their back. I have a reason to do that for sure
I'm so sorry, ..........(there's still plenty of sorry's, I couldn't be perfect of course)
but thank you so much once again dear God, right now I'm very happyy!

my current picture...

(PS. oh and thank you so much, I'm seeing someone right now hihi)


broken-hearted is NOT the end of everything.

I hate myself now i dont even know why. well actually i do know why but its like aaaaaaaaaahhhh i'm being so stupid and selfish and stupid and selfish and i hate it. i dont know how to explain these thingy but I HATE IT. i hate the way that i make decision so fast and dont ever think about what happens next. see? I'm fckn dumb man. why do i have to be a bitch, while i know that there's someone who cares bout me and all the things i do. I dont even know why i said that 'suicidal words', i thought i'll be okay....... but whaaaaatttttt?????? gua cm bisa nyesel skrg. fak fak fak fak my world turns black hahahaha seriously.. i hate it all.

and this song really really makes me crying out loud..
If you come back to me, I'll guarantee
That I'll never let you go
Can we go back to the days our love was strong?
Can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong?

Can somebody tell me how to get things back the way they used to be..
Oh God give me a reason
I'm down on bended knee

(Boys 2 Men - On Bended Knee)

that is what i'm thinkin bout lately. but yeah, its life man. you have to start moving on, trust me you DONT want to spend your life waiting for nothing, and make your heart depends on one person that is not that into you anymore. dont forget about things that we've done..lets just make it a beautiful memories. dont hate him or even yourself, its not anyone's fault, its just how things work,so make that how it supposed to be. and thanks to him, he MADE your life better after all. you were okay when he's not yours YET,right? then he came and made your life full of happiness,but then he walked away from you. and awfully he's already moved on. that wasnt a really happy scene,but come on, dont let it makes you down! you still have your bestfriends,your family, or maybbbbbe your guy friends.
now, all i'm trying to do is Forgive, Forget, and Move on... :)
better listen to this song!
But this time without crying
As she got into her car, she said
No, happily never after
That just ain't for me because finally
I know I deserve better after all
I'll never let another teardrop fall
(Pussycat Dolls - Happily Never After)


I love.. ?

mblehehe I'm so single. :)

Reading: pendidikan agama Islam..........
wish me luck for exams tomorrow!



So cash in all your chips tonight baby
Cause were going out of style.
We could leave this city, if only for a while.
We'll take this feeling to our graves
For every heart we betrayed.
No one can know about this.

I know we're so wrong
But it feels so right.
And its not a party,
If it happens every night.
I'm running on empty,
Your running out of luck.
So lets ditch this city,
Before we sober up



nothing's much.....
i've watched The Little Mermaid and Snow White btw. dan si Ursula mirip bu emir HAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHHAAHHAHAA(ketawa g brenti).



Old Disney movies are much better than HSM craps.. no offense evryone:)

hey guyss.

i've watched Cinderella 1, 2, 3, Beauty and the Beast, and also Sleeping Beauty yesterday. oh God i love ittttt.
i really adore Cinderella, she's sooooo kindhearted.
i also adore Belle, she loves books. Smartybeauty :D
and Aurora, damn she's so pretty, and had a beautiful voice.

and i think the best movie was........
Beauty and the Beast!!!
the story is goddamn interesting, terrifying, and also lovely. its interesting when Belle meets the Beast, its scary when the Beast couldn't control his temper, and its lovely when Belle says "I love you" to the beast so that the spell was broken and the Beast turned into a handsome prince.



haha. escape the fuckin fate.

The rules:
Choose a singer/band/group.
Answer using ONLY titles of songs by that singer/band/group.
Tag your friends (let them know they've been tagged).
Once tagged, you gotta do it too.

My choice :
Escape The Fate

1. Male or Female?
Ashley(maksutnya female)

2. Describe yourself!
It's Just Me

3. What do people feel when they're around you?
You Are So Beautiful (HAHAHAHA GOD DAMN IT)

4. How would you describe your previous relationship?
Let It Go

5. Describe Your Current Relationship!
We Won't Back Down

6. Where Would You Want To Be Now?
The Flood (ga gt juga sih)

7. How Do You Feel About Love?
My Apocalypse

8. What's your life like?

9. What saddens you?

10. What would you ask for if you had only one wish?
Friends And Alibis

11. Say something wise!
When I Go Out, I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire

12. What would you say to your friends in this note?
Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche (ga nyambung abis)


u know that i'm a bitch when i wanna be.

ugh what a bitch am i????? these things making me just confused and make me feel im bitcher than ever. i cant tell u the reason why i keep calling myself a bitch here hahaha but this is just about my feelings so no one can help me-_- please god, give me some solutions for this......... :(

by the way its holiday peeeps! i know i should be happy for this but i miss school hahaha school is fun but staying at home is boring.. it'll be great if school could start at 9 am ha-ha but it will never be sooo have fun at ur home sweet home rani. ah and tomorrow i'll go to witsqa's crib to finish the KAOS project. sounds fun! i really love my friends :)



new bangs, lol.

hey u guys. im kinda bored about my boring bangs and i decided to cut my bangs myself. not really good btw, but at least i've tried something new hahahaa.

what do u think? i think the bangs was too long and it was scratching my eyes haha soooo now im wearing bando and it feels like heaven bcos my eyes is so free from the bangs.

okay im a bit too not important. g-bye jerks. :)


ok its been such a long time im not opening my blog.............. so hello!!!!! gw mau cerita2 ya udh banyak bgt nih numpuk hahaha. 

jadiiii minggu lalu (iyak sudah lama ya) itu gw ke dufan with Latisha, Sheila Nadhifa, Sella si bekantan, Kareem, Dhia, Adit, Radit, Augie, Vino, Taffy, Bisma, dan Raihan. sooo hr sabtu jam 8an kita semuanya ngumpul di rumah Kareem. trs pas semua nya udh pada dtg kita berangkat pake 2 mobil, mobilnya Sheila sm mobilnya Radit. trs pas nyampe dufan, loketnya tuuuuh blm buka gtuuu jd kita2 pd ngbrl2 dulu deh sampe akhirnya jam 10, kita beli tiket enak g pake ngantri soalnya udh nungguin di dpn pntu grbangnya like an alay but alay is cool. pas udah beli tiket,ternyata dufannya juga blm buka~_~. yodah de kita nunggu2 lg sambil ngbrl2 sampe jam 11 dan dufan buka. pertamaa kita naik kora-kora. hahhaha gw sama Sheila deh yg paling gila! kita udh super alay yg alaynya ga nahan gt tapi like i said, alay is cool. kita teriak2 tp bukan teriak yg ketakutan. kt teriak kyk ngejek2 org yg dihadapan kita gt lah dont know how to explain deh hahahha abis ituuu kita naik halilintar. trus kita jg naik kicir2. gw duduk sama Sheila si extreme soulmate, dan di depan kita itu Kareem sm Dhia. mereka ketakutan gt kocak tereak2 'traumaa! anjingg!' gt2 deh dan gw hanya tertawa dan jg teriak sih. abisan itu masa cowo bgitu ahhahaah trs kita juga ke istabon, tadinya mau ngadem gtu. eh trnyata istabon nya panas, minta di cemplungin es bgt tau gak sih itu kolam2nya. duh jd pengen es krim. yodah trus abis itu pas di istabon kan foto2 gt dll, trs ada yg blg 'berani gak ran lo ke kapal dpn' jadi kapal di dpn kita itu kosong. trs akhirnya gw naik ke trotoar yg boneka2, trus masuk ke kapal depannya deh. sendirian,malangnya. tp akhirnya Adit, Sheila, sm Dhia juga ikutan masuk. hahha sok double date bgt gk sih-_- truuss kita main apa lg ya? kita main extreme log, gw sebelahnya Latisha sama Augie. kocak Augie kebelet pipis gt udh gt begeter2 lg kan kursi nya wakakkaka anjrit ngakak berat. oh iyaaaa pas itu gw juga ketemu Aliya, Tikka, dan anak2 labsky lainnya. kebetulan skali yaah. hahahaa. nah trs pas udh mnjelang malem gtu, semuanya pada makan di cfc kl gk slh. tapi gw nya males mkn gtu, udh gt cowo2 + Latisha pd ngokar. duh udh mls bgt deh guee,akhirnya gw sama Sheila&Sella makan planet basoo! enaknyaa pedes2 gtu. trus akhirnya Latisha nyusul. trus kita main kora-kora berulang2 krn gak ada yg ngantri. seruu! tp akhirnya bener2 mual yg enek yg mual yg enek yg mual (ok cukup). mgkn karna abs makan kali ya trs lgsg DUARR di ituin sama anu. kora2 mksdnya. nahhhh trs pas kluar dr situ, kita bnr2 kayak mabok gt deh. Latisha yg super enek udah tiduran di tempat duduk deket situ, trus kita duduk2 semua. tapi pas gw, Sheila, sama Sella udh pulih, Latisha nya msh g bisa bangun. dia nyruh kita ninggalin dia. tdnya gak mau,tp Latishanya udh gk bs berdiri jd ya udh kita pisah trs gabung sm cowo2. cowo2 lg di arung jeraamm, jd kita lgsg kesana. trnyata tuh arung jeramnya yg bener2 sepi gk ada org. jadi selesai main, kita lgsg balik lagi buat main lg. trus yaaa kita mainnya ekstrim abs parah2an(ya ga gt jg sih ran...) jadi kita mainnya kan hrsnya duduk trs pake safety belt. ini kt malah duduk di yg bawah2 itu jd kayak main kolammmmm wakakkaak seru abis tapi g boleh sampe ketawan ntr malah di marahin lg. udh gtu 1 boatnya cuma ada 4 orang gtu jd nya yaaahh basah bgt deh. berkali2 lagi mainnya. trus akhirnya tanpa kita sadari(cie abs bahasa gw) udah malem bgt, arung jeramnya udh gak beroperasi gt trs kita udh disuruh cepetan sama satpamnya. oh iya Vino pulang duluan. daann Latisha nelfonin ktnya dia tdr trus pas bangun gak ada org dan gelap dan dia ketakutan wakakkaakak dongo bgt emg nih manusia yaa. trssssssssss abs itu kita ganti2 baju bersih2 dll. sumpah dufannya udh g ada org, udah serasa punya sndiri deh hahaha. oh iya Augie sama Bisma kl gak slh beli topeng horor gt muka setan trus ngaget2in orang di pintu keluar ruman miring. geblek bgt sumpah wakakkakak. truuss kita pulang deh,dufan jg udah tutup. dan u knw wht????? yg ikut mobil Radit cuma Raihan dan yg lain di mobilnya Sheila. kebayang gk sih sesek bgt?? yg duduk di depan itu supirnya Sheila a.k.a pak Agung dan Bisma. trus di belakang ada gw bareng Sheila dlm 1 tempat duduk, trs sebelahnya ada Adit yg mangku Taffy. trus di blakangnya lg ada Latisha, Augie, sm Dhia. trus di bagasi itu Kareem tiduran. oh iya trs si Sella duduknya di tengah2 antara kursi supir dan sebelahnya. astaga.... menyedihkan. udh gt pas di tol ada patroli pulaaaa!!!!!! kan g blh tuh numpuk2an gt msti pake safety belt. yodah akhirnya heboh dan nutupin kaca pake gorden hahaahhahh. trus Kareem, Bisma sm Taffy kl gk slh turun di rmh kareem. trs Sella di jemput di dpn puri cinere. trs sampe rmh Sheila ngbrl2 blablabla, dan IPOD GUA PENYOK. sejak kapan coba ada ipod bs penyok? jd kan ipod gw chromatic gtu trs yg buat di chargenya penyok jd chargernya ga muat gt. damn it. hahaa. trusss abs ituu gw dijemput, dan gw nganterin Dhia pulang, nganterin Adit pulang, dan nganterin Latisha pulang. gila bolang abis,nyampe rmh jam 12 udh tepar. hahahhaa. seru bgttttt :) :) dari dufan buka,sampe dufan tutup hahaha.

seru nya perparahan, i love u guys bgt deh! okdeh sampe sini dulu yaaaa i mau makan. hehe bubye


it's not my fault i love you, its yours.

we started as a friend
we knew each other since new year 2009
yeah, we spent the new year together, but we're not close at all
and then he asked my windows live messenger
and it all started when he wished me a happy birthday
then January go away.
in February, we're getting closer and closer
but still, we're just a best friend
we chat a lot, we laughed out loud, we hang out
we spent a great great time together
until February 25th, it happened in school canteen
he came to me....
and asked me to be his girlfriend.
and its all going very well until nowww, you don't know how happy I am :P




gua genduuuuuuuuut oh noooooooooooo! kurusin badan ah. gua mau makan dikit aja skrg wakakakkakak trus olahraga mulu deh (padahal malay) aaaah gila nih gw gendut shitttttt.
oh iya kan tadi malem gw mau tdur gtu kan sambil dgrin ipod. nah karna gua pengen kuyus jd gua mau biasain sit up tiap malem (YA YA YA tertawalah) jd sambil dgr musik juga. oke2 aja sih berjalan dengan lancar dan berakhir dengan gua ngos2an trs gua tdur. nah pas jam 12an gtu kaki gua SUAAAAAKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT gak nahaaaaannnnnnnnnnnn. ah gila yg bener2 sakit gtu deh, lebih parah dr keram!!!!!! damn it sakit abis gak boong gua wakakakka trs kan gua kebangun tuh. trs yg merem2 muka kecut gt kesakitan. sambil gua pijit2 jugaaaa. sumpah kayak kakinya tuh mengeras gt loh ah gmn sih jelasinnya gw juga bingung nih wakakkaka yah gt lah kayak keram tp super duper parah yg super yg sangat yg very dan lain lain. trssssss akhirnya normal lg sih walopun pas pagi2 gua masih kayak pegel2 gt kayak abis dikejar maling di dalam mimpi. pagi2 gua bangun dan gak mandi HAHAHAH abisan takut telat apel pagi ntar malah gua disuruh bejong. udah 3x nih gua bediri jongkok gara2 telat. tapi seru jg sih jadi kader osis walopun capeknya bujubuneng. tadi aja kan pbb gtu sama anak2 SMA, busyeeeeeeet men sangar. banyak yg nangis gara2 dimarahin. hahahah. gua jg dimarahin gara2 ketawa doang lagian si maulana kan ada di depan gua trus dia nangis gara2 dimarahin trus disuruh balik badan tiba2 mukenye ada di dpn muke gua. gw langsung "HMPHH.." trs dimarahin. wakakakka.

ih gua bosyennnnnnnnnnn.
adit mana adit
hahahahahhahahhahha :D



hungry hungry hungry haha my stomach starts singing.. damn it im so hungry. i want wendyssss! i want baked potato. i also wanttttt sushi tei! nyammmmm crispy roll. pengeen pgn pgn pgn. ah gila nih gua bosen abis di rmh. nothing to do. aditnya lg mandi.. hahaha. trus gw ngantuk. padahal tadi pagi gw bngunnya jam 11 coba dan itu mata gw masih teler blm seger. Add Video

sial nih tadi pagi gw lupa nonton ppg, ahaha pdhl udah lama bgt ga nontoooooon huhuhuu. trus trus trus mau ngmg apa lagi ya gua. oh iyaa gw belakangan ini udah gak terlalu suka avenged sevenfold dah. jd bosen. skrg dgrin nya macem2 kyk bmth blessthefall gt2. hahahahaha

PERBOSENAN YG BOSEN haha duh gua ga tau mau ngmg apa lg.
udah yah

(P.S. adit udah selse mandi hihi)

it's a month!

yaaayy happy anniversary to.... me me me:)

finally sebulan juga, and its been an awesome month.. he always make me happy and cheer me up when im down.
tadi dia ngasih coklat gtu di kantin. trus gw cuma ngasih hasil karya gw gambar2 sambil ada anniversary nya gtu. soalnya gw ga tau mau ngasih apa dan itu jg gw buatnya malem2. habisnya kalo ngga ngasih apa2 gak enaaaak. heuhuehe. 
gak nyangka jg sih bisa jadian sm dia, dulu aja dia niatnya cuma temenan aja sama gw. terus makin deket makin deket gtu eh jadian. bhahahha
yodah deh ga tau lagi gw mau ngomong apaaa. 
at this very moment, what i want is what i've got:)

I love you, Aditya Wibisono.



finally i open my blog hihihi its been so long ago since the last time i wrote some shits in my blog.

i'm in a relationship. hmm since february 25th. i love Adit :3

gtau mau ngmg apaan. udah deh ya. haha dadaah!


never better :)

aaaaaaaahhh IM SO HAPPY yayyaayayayya

hr ini gw gak ke pim, dirumah aja. enyak gw minta diajarin upload photo di fb dgn gak nyante dan marah2 giduwwwwww namun gpp karna hari ini gw chatting sm **** lamaaa skali. terus kita juga main viwawa. ahuahuahauauhauhau senaaaaaaaaaaang. oh dan kita sempat bermain catur. dia menang mulu pdhl gw hampir menang tuh game kedua. trs dan ternyata gw pernah tanding catur sama dia di viwawa padahal gw lg tanding sama R boy. ahuahuha ribet. pokoknya gw seneng bgt hr ini. dan dia skrg lagi brb nih. dia kocak deh orgnya. hihihiihih, gw ngakak daritadiiiii....

i heart ya booooooy:D





started with M, ended with G

no, not MEONG -_- the word i mean is MELTING......... omg omg omg last night was aaaawwwwweeeessssooooommmmmeeee. i had a lot of fun, he made me laugh out loud!!!! ahhaha. im soooooo happyyyy ryt now :)

its almost 9 a.m, i'm going to go to bandung again.. i really really want ayam goreng nikmat aka nikmat fried chicken (?) so i have to get ready,we'll leave the house soon and im like belom mandi at all. im hungryyyyy i want nikmat fried chicken!!! yummmmmmy

well, im now officially addicted with ZV. loveyaaaaaaaaa:)



gw pengen tanggal 6 lagiii! pengen ulgtaun lg. kmaren ultah yg seyyuuu:) makasi buat semua yg ngucapin yahh. hehhhee. it was awesome guys. gw sengaja ol sampe malem begadang supaya menerima sms dan ucapan heuheuheuhehu, pertama yg ngucapin arif lalu thaya yg tidak tau dirinya mengucapkan slamat ulgtaun padahal jam 12 masi lama. ckck. trs pas jam 12 pas yg sms dio, tinah, ka riri, nadya b, risha, dll gw kaga afal maap. di msn latisha, nameera, ka fildza, dll yg gw juga ga inget heuhe. trs ditelfon marvel, abs itu ditelf nadya. nadya nyanyi yolanda coba tgh malem bikin gw ga bisa tidur, gaklah. heuhuhe trs makasi jg yah yg udah ngucapin di fb. trs gw tidur sekitar jam setengah 2. pagi2nya gw bangun gara2 mba nina telfon jam 10 mgkn (ketauan kebo kaga bangun2). trs ada sms jg dr ka anida, anne, tikka, dll. abis itu gw makan blueberry cheesecake nya harvest nyumm! trs nyokap bikin nasi kuning gt dan gw disuruh anter2 ckck tp gpp seru. sorenya bokap beliin gw macbook :):):):):) ahhh sangat menyenangkan, gw pengen dr kapantau. malemnya ol lagi. dan gw gak diselametin sama seseorg yg gw selametin pertama wkt dia ulgtaun. besoknya sih nyelametin tp itu jg gw tagih. gapapalaaah hahahaa.



I need you :)

i've moved on!!!!!! YEAY.